Bradford Snios

I am an aerospace engineer with experience in theoretical and computational astrophysics, who possesses an extensive knowledge of image analysis and spectroscopic modeling based on first-principle physics. I have in-depth experience in automated image processing, particularly from satellite-based observations, and excellent communication skills, as demonstrated by my publications to high-ranking academic journals and accepted proposals.

What I Research

Satellite Imaging

Research and development of image sensors for satellite-based observatories is fundamental for both industry and academia. I develop first-principle simulations of image sensors to quantify detector characteristics at high accuracy. I additionally lead work on modeling the next generation of image sensors for use in aerospace applications.

Extragalactic Jets

Supermassive black holes are known to generate jet outflows that propagate with bulk relativistic motion over kiloparsec-scale distances, which emit brightly at radio and X-ray wavelengths. I investigate jet morphology and its interactions with the surrounding medium, while also specializing in proper motion studies of X-ray jets.

The High-Redshift Universe

Studying high-redshift sources allows us to understand properties of the early Universe, such as black hole formation rates and the evolution of extragalactic jets. I analyze morphological and spectroscopic observations of high-redshift quasars, where interactions between the jets and ISM generate some of the youngest known examples of extended X-ray structures.

Solar System X-rays

Solar System objects emit X-rays through several mechanisms, including charge-exchange, fluorescence, bremsstrahlung, and scattering of solar X-rays. I study X-ray observations of Solar System objects to understand these mechanisms as well as probe fundamental properties of the source, like atmospheric compositions or energy and mass transport.

Fun Facts

Graduation Year


Teaching Hours


Proposals Accepted


Coffees Consumed
